-The Classic cartoon; Over The Garden Wall- – (Cartoons)-


I always remembered watching a few snippets of this cartoon from Cartoon Network (most notably the beginning of the show, and the ending), and I’ve always told myself, “this show is pretty disturbing, but yet it’s just so creative.” It gives me a nostalgic feeling of fall. Almost as if there was forgotten stories from my childhood, but it all being brought back again through Over the Garden Wall. And that itself is a factor to what makes Over the Garden Wall a classic.

I have yet to fully watch this show, but I do understand the story quite a bit. So anyways, what is, Over the Garden Wall?

Over the Garden Wall is a cartoon that is based on the two half brothers of Wirt and Gregory. As they both become lost in a strange looking forest named, “the unknown” and they try to find their way back home. But what they don’t notice later on their journey home is, the mystery’s that are beyond the unknown. And so, Wirt and Gregory encounter many things on their journey home, like a cursed bird who can talk named Beatrice, the Eery Woodsman, and the antagonist of the unknown, the Beast.


So, what’s my overall opinion so far for Over the Garden Wall? It’s definitely one of those shows that just makes you want to watch it over and over again and to even watch it seasonally (during Fall). The story is definitely interesting as each episode kind of reminds me of a fall feeling, (as mentioned before), like scarecrows, pumpkins, fall leaves, and all kinds of mysterious beings that just makes us think of a folk story that we forgot. Not to mention how interesting the characters are, like Wirt always talking poetically, and Greg just being Greg.

I really can’t say much about this show due to me not watching every episode to fully give my descriptive criticism, but I have a feeling that I’d enjoy watching it all the way with nostalgic thoughts of Fall. So anyways guys, see you guys later, peace!

(Watch The First Episode Of, Over The Garden Wall!)

P.s, if you didn’t know, I’m mainly an anime and manga blogger, but I really wanted to write about my thoughts on this cartoon, and hopefully you enjoyed something new for a change. -Mark

(Into The Unknown Original/The ending of this song always gives me the chills 🙂 )

(I just love Lizz Robinett’s Music, her voice is quite calming in this version of, Into The Unknown)


Hopefully I would have the time to get to know you! Follow me on Twitter and add me on my MAL (My Anime List) account!

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twitter (Twitter)@OfficalMarkYang

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-An Anime I w̶i̶l̶l̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ Want to See But Haven’t Yet-Day 6/30Day Anime Challenge – (Anime)-

Believe it or not, I’m was ranting about Anime on this post, so hey, why not just start from scratch? (I might make a separate blog post of me actually ranting about anime, so stay tuned for that? Don’t know who likes rants related to anime, but if you’re that type of person to hear out opinions, look forward to it). So, an Anime I want to watch but haven’t yet!

I choose Cow Boy Bebop. I mean, you might’ve already known that Cow Boy Bebop had an advertisement created from Crunchy Roll (or some other company), and it definitely looks pretty dope (my opinion), but I’m not interested because of the advertisement itself, but because I heard it was a classic anime. And I mean it when I say classic this time. It’s an anime with jazz-themed beats based on the future but still having that old past like feeling to it (if that made any sense) and it was created in the year of 1998.

(“3, 2, 1, let’s jam”)

I’ve always heard so many people say that Cowboy Bebop was just one of those animes that you have to watch, and I’m definitely tempted to start watching it. Not to mention spoiling some scenes for myself to see what it’s all about.

(Bell Peppers And Beef Scene)

I’ve actually seen a few episodes of Cowboy Bebop, and it’s pretty good. It always reminds me of a “wild west” theme but in the future (music and setting of the anime), and some hilarity but with action and very deep scenes. It definitely makes me want to watch it all, and it’s something I’d definitely love to watch, due to it’s wild west theme combined with anime.

(Cowboy Bebop Funimation Trailer)

So that wraps up my short post (sorry). If you’ve already watched Cowboy Bebop, give me your thoughts on the anime! So anyways, see you space cowboy, peace!


Hopefully I would have the time to get to know you! Follow me on Twitter and add me on my MAL (My Anime List) account!

userbox_mal_logo(MyAnimeList) ImMark

twitter (Twitter)@OfficalMarkYang

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-Happy Thanks Giving From Mark!-

“Wow Mark, so late I see!” which I assume some of you guys are saying right now, but I just wanted to say, happy Thanks Giving ! (Where us Americans eat a turkey, and Canadians celebrating it last month). So yay to eating a turkey in America! Well, if you lived in my family, most of the time we eat Thanksgiving dinner on different days. “So what chu trying to saying Mark?” I’m just saying, me and my family isn’t eating a turkey today. “Awh shucks, that sounds depressing.”Well, I mean not at all, I basically eat two turkeys! “Woah, two Thanksgivings!” (I’m going to stop being you, the audience). As much as I like two Thanksgivings, having it twice for like the rest of my life can sometimes be nauseating, but yet, you get to eat different kinds of foods from two separate families. As my moms side of the family, has a Hispanic family, a African American family, and two full Hmong families (my nationality is Hmong by the way).

Since my mom has a bunch of sisters in her family, that just means I have quite a bit of half Hmong and half of a different nationality family, and I’m actually quite happy to have them as apart of my family. Especially since one of my older cousins is an all A student in highschool from Freshmen to today (I’m pretty sure it’s her Senior year), and is musically talented, but has an awesome personality. Not to mention that she’s probably one of the very few half Hmong Hispanic ethnicity in America, and me myself learning a little bit of her lifestyle with a Hispanic father (which he’s pretty chill and a cool uncle). And then you have my other cousin, who’s naturally comedic, and introduced me to multiple games that I still play today (Minecraft, CSGO, etc). So yeah, my older cousins are pretty dope. As for my younger cousins, yeh, you koo (cool) too (sorry).

Now as for my other family, my dad’s side, they’re all of Hmong ethnicity, but they’re more Americanized rather than Hmong accustomed (in other words, they’re Christians, not Shamans). And there’s so many people from my dad’s side, so I actually won’t talk about them (sorry if you were looking forward to knowing them, lol).

Anyways, I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving, peace.


Hopefully I would have the time to get to know you! Follow me on Twitter and add me on my MAL (My Anime List) account!

userbox_mal_logo(MyAnimeList) ImMark

twitter (Twitter)@OfficalMarkYang

(Have any other social medias that you would like to see me on? Give me a comment!)

-An Anime I’m Ashamed Of That I Enjoyed- -Day 5, Of The 30Day Anime Challange-

deathnote-logoWell, I can’t really think of one that I would be extremely ashamed that I’ve ever watched, but I guess you can say, Death Note is an Anime that would make me feel ashamed but still enjoy it.

Whenever I watch a scene of Death Note on youtube to remind myself what kind of Anime it was, I remembered that the main character Light Yagami was trying to play god and kill everyone “evil”, and just remember how intelligent he was to keep himself from dying and being caught to being Kira (killer) . But then you had L, pretty much the antagonist, and had similar smarts to Light Yagami. And the show was basically a battle of wits of “Kira” against “L”.

Why did I feel ashamed of watching it? Well, because I enjoyed the battles of Light Yagami outsmarting a lot of characters (like Ray Penber. Sorry, I just really thought his name was funny. But now that I think of it, I’m pretty messed up. Mr. Ray Pepermint. Okay I’m done, I’m serious.), which resulted in the characters (mostly innocent) deaths, but then you had the moral going around in the Anime telling you, “is it really okay to play god and possibly kill innocent lives”?

(Sorry Mr. Ray Penber/Spoilers Ahead)

And knowing how Light Yagami was, and his psychotic nature. Just watch this video, and you’d understand.

(Do not watch this video if you haven’t seen Death Note/Don’t care about spoilers)

Because when you enjoy someone killing off characters as he tries to play as god, you know you’re just as messed up as Light Yagami (but I’m not a psychotic killer, so I know what’s right and wrong, and I’m just extremely interested on how Light Yagami thinks). So don’t suspect me to be a Kira (unless we were playing a game of detective, otherwise I’d be like Kira. Oh no my only weakness! I’d just said it out loud. On second that, wrote it on a blog. Meh.).

Now you know why I felt ashamed on watching Death Note, but knowing the sadistic side of me, I enjoyed it (to an extent). Death Note was definitely one of my most favorite animes, and I truly believe it deserves the name of, a “classic” around the anime community. Hope you enjoyed my post on my 30 Day Anime Challange, “An Anime I’m Ashamed Of That I Enjoyed”. So see you guys later in the next post, peace!

Enjoy some videos from Death Note

(Death Note OP 1: The symbolism in this opening gets to me all the time)

(Death Note Ending 1/When Light throws an apple to Ryuuk; epic)

(Death Note ending 2/When going up an elevator couldn’t get more hype)

(Freaking L; Light meets L)

(When Light get’s rekt)

-Day 1, High School; In The Life Mark- – (Real Life)-

teh_sabersHigh school life isn’t all that bad, in fact, it’s probably more interesting than it is stressful. In my sophomore year, I’m currently enjoying my time in school. We get to learn how to blow things up in chemistry (Alkali metals), we read books for at least 15 minutes in English (I read the book, Ready Player 1; the ending just killed me), we have gym, and I get to learn how to understand and read the Japanese language/writing (writing; hiragana, katakana, and soon kanji)! And don’t get me wrong, everybody has their own school experiences, so if you’re an under classmate (middle schooler and below), I don’t want you to have the idea that school will be good or bad for you. So with that in mind, experience things for yourself and give your own opinions (I presume that are reading this) under classmates.

Anyways, to the people who don’t know/to the people who do know what happens to alkali metals and water, here’s a video for you to learn/remember.

(I’m not responsible for any potential injuries and do not attempt this at home, you have been warned).

“Things gradually become more terrifying as we go down through the group. Let’s try Cesium, our fifth alkali metal.” I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy chemistry.

Back on topic; like I said in my old post, I had the chance to watch Grave of the Fireflies in my Japanese class, and I was just dreading with excitement (not until I remembered that it’s not a happy movie, that this was based on a real story), and the week after that, I actually had the chance to meet and talk to a foreign exchange student from Japan. It was definitely interesting. Because just the way me and a couple of friends talked to him, our countries customs didn’t differ too much with his customs. We all laughed at jokes, he spoke English fluently (of course he was puzzled on some of the words we said, mostly slang words), and of course, he was like all of us, human. I kind of felt irritated how I’m more accustomed to stereotyped interpretations on any culture, but I was never blinded from the stereotypes. Meaning, I knew better, and I can’t make assumptions about a culture that I’ve never seen before; face to face. And in a way, I felt ashamed for our country as an entirety for creating stereotypes. Not just one person or a specific race in the wrong, but our country in an entirety.

(This video of Morgan Freeman pretty much explains things similar to what I’ve said. P.S, this paragraph was somewhat inspired from this video of Morgan Freeman.)

(I also stumbled upon this video, and I was pretty furious watching it. Definitely a shame to the Asian community)

But yeah, it was definitely an interesting time meeting a foreign exchange student from Japan.

Now, when I was in my photography class, we had the chance to use photoshop. Let’s just say, things got pretty spooky (because it was on the 31st of Halloween), and the week after that, my photoshopped photos looked pretty awesome!


The left photo is the photoshopped photo, and the right photo is the original (I mean, I guess you would already know, but oh well). And if you also might not know, I have my Japanese initials written on my shirt in the photoshopped version (マ-ク). What’s it say? It just means mark (but if you pronounced my name and don’t say “my name is Maku” in Japanese, they wouldn’t understand what you just said), but it’s pronounced, MaaKu. And if your wondering why not just say MaaRuKu(マ-ルク), don’t ask me, my Japanese teacher gave me the name. The only reason I think she said my name in Japanese should be Maaku is because, MaRu(マル), means circular, and then you just have ku (ク/久), meaning sky or long time. So it would pretty much make my name mean, circular sky (sounds like a pretty poetic name, but oh well) if I said MaaRuKu(マ-ルク) in Japanese. Also, I googled what the meanings were, so please butcher me on my Japanese if you find any mistakes on what I just said. But anyways (I’ll start counting how many times I say the word “anyways”), photography class was fun (I’m definitely not joining photography 2 next year. I’m being serious. It’s harder than you think. Unless you’re the most talented and going into a profession into photography, that’s who’ll be joining it next year).


tumblr_nmx6u5lfl51rlylleo1_500Off topic from school; so where am I regarding Anime and Manga’s? I recently just read Tokyo Ghoul:Re’s 100th chapter (chapter 99 just brought in the nostalgia) and I’m almost finished with the Anime Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront! And since I’m here, I’ll just say my over all thoughts on Kekkai Sensen. It sometimes can get boring, but it has some pretty awesome animation and suspensions at some situations (although I may consider some scenes of suspense to be cliche, I still thought they were pretty good). Especially towards the last three episodes of Kekkai Sensen, the back story’s of Black (ブラク/Bu-Ra-Ku) and White (ワイト(Wa-I-To) was just straight up sad but meaningful. And especially Black’s speeches at some times were extremely poetic, and I just love that about his character. And especially how Black is just so sociopathic like, but he’s a unique kind of sociopath. Hopefully you give this anime a chance if you’re into futuristic and old school like animes, and all though I haven’t watched Cow Boy Bebop before, I’ll just say it’s pretty similar to it.

(Not to mention the opening and ending songs are just awesome)

(The ending song is just a mixture of happy and sad. I like 🙂 )

Hopefully you guys enjoyed a blog post about my life. So then, I guess that ends this post for today. See you guys in the next blog post. See ya later, peace!

Hopefully I would have the time to get to know you! Follow me on Twitter and add me on my MAL (My Anime List) account!

userbox_mal_logo(MyAnimeList) ImMark

twitter (Twitter)@OfficalMarkYang

(Have any other social medias that you would like to see me on? Give me a comment!)

-The Japanese Classroom And Haiyo Miyazaki Films- – (Anime/Real Life)-

Grave of the Fireflies; Movie Box

So just recently, me and my Japanese classroom had the opportunity to do two things; do homework or watch Grave of The Fireflies. Of course, we did both, but most of us decided to watch Grave of the Fireflies. When given the chance to watch Grave of the Fireflies, I’ve already watched this film dozens of times as a kid (around 4-9 years old), and most of the time frightened to death from all of the dead corpses and bloody bandages from the civilians of the story.

As my years as a high school student, and learning about the history of our past wars, Grave of the Fireflies was based on World War II(2), where America attacks Japan, as America were victorious with the bombing of Japan. But after Japan dealt a terrific bombing, it caused many kids to become orphans, as many adults were dead as the result of becoming a part of the army and also because of dying from the nuclear bombing. And also because of the bombing, there was a huge famine, (Spoiler) and this is also the reasoning of the death of Seita and Setsuko; a famine (End of spoiler). As it shows the horrors that the Japanese went through as they face through a bombing and a war, and the movie is basically saying, not everyone wants war.

(Grave of the Fireflies trailer)

Howl’s Moving Castle; movie box

Unfortunately, our class did not finish the whole movie yet, and when we stopped watching the movie go home, I noticed a few classmates crying, and a few in disgust. I knew that a few of my classmates were also Anime watchers, and most of them already seen the movie, so I’d assume they already knew what happened. And just like them, I was close to shedding tears, as I also knew what happens to the main characters later on.

Now besides watching Grave of The Fireflies, I decided to watch another studio ghibli movie myself, and it was Howls Moving Castle! And much like Grave of the Fireflies, I’ve watched this movie pretty young, but it didn’t frighten me too much, and I didn’t understand the plot (also I didn’t finish the movie Howls Moving Castle, so there’s that convenience).

(Howls Moving Castle Trailer: Does Anyone Else Hate The Cliche Voice That Explains A Movie In Every Movie Trailer Ever?)

And as usual, Haiyo Miyazaki tends to create masterpiece movies, and Howls Moving Castle is definitely one of them. Despite Howls Moving Castle being a bit slow in the beginning of the movie, I came to enjoy the story overall (so far).

Some things that I also tend to realize is, Haiyo Miyazaki creates his movies based on books (no wonder they’re a masterpiece). Like, When Marnie Was There, created by Joan G. Robinson, and of course, the movies I’ve mentioned before were also based on books (Howls Moving Castle, created by Diana Wynne Jones, and Grave of the Fireflies, Akiyuki Nosaka).

After watching some of the movies that I’ve never really understood during my childhood, I really just came to appreciate and understand what the complex stories have to tell us. And with all of the Studio Ghibli films that I’ve currently watched, I enjoyed every single one of them. Each movie always has a story that’s never been told before, and I just adore that; not cliche. Not only are they unique and diverse in culture, they’re always interesting in their own ways, and that’s why I entirely enjoy Studio Ghibli movies, and hopefully you guys enjoy some of Haiyo Miyazaki’s films as well!

Well, that ends off my blog post! I would just like to thank my Japanese teacher for showing us the movie Grave of the Fireflies, and I had a good time watching the movie! So thanks once again! So then, see you guys in my next post, peace.

(Listen To Some Music From Studio Ghibli)

(Howl’s Moving Castle Main Theme)

(Princess Mononoke/ Mononoke Hime)

(Spirited Away)


P.S, Turnip Head is probably my most favorite character in Howls Moving Castle.