-The Classic cartoon; Over The Garden Wall- – (Cartoons)-


I always remembered watching a few snippets of this cartoon from Cartoon Network (most notably the beginning of the show, and the ending), and I’ve always told myself, “this show is pretty disturbing, but yet it’s just so creative.” It gives me a nostalgic feeling of fall. Almost as if there was forgotten stories from my childhood, but it all being brought back again through Over the Garden Wall. And that itself is a factor to what makes Over the Garden Wall a classic.

I have yet to fully watch this show, but I do understand the story quite a bit. So anyways, what is, Over the Garden Wall?

Over the Garden Wall is a cartoon that is based on the two half brothers of Wirt and Gregory. As they both become lost in a strange looking forest named, “the unknown” and they try to find their way back home. But what they don’t notice later on their journey home is, the mystery’s that are beyond the unknown. And so, Wirt and Gregory encounter many things on their journey home, like a cursed bird who can talk named Beatrice, the Eery Woodsman, and the antagonist of the unknown, the Beast.


So, what’s my overall opinion so far for Over the Garden Wall? It’s definitely one of those shows that just makes you want to watch it over and over again and to even watch it seasonally (during Fall). The story is definitely interesting as each episode kind of reminds me of a fall feeling, (as mentioned before), like scarecrows, pumpkins, fall leaves, and all kinds of mysterious beings that just makes us think of a folk story that we forgot. Not to mention how interesting the characters are, like Wirt always talking poetically, and Greg just being Greg.

I really can’t say much about this show due to me not watching every episode to fully give my descriptive criticism, but I have a feeling that I’d enjoy watching it all the way with nostalgic thoughts of Fall. So anyways guys, see you guys later, peace!

(Watch The First Episode Of, Over The Garden Wall!)

P.s, if you didn’t know, I’m mainly an anime and manga blogger, but I really wanted to write about my thoughts on this cartoon, and hopefully you enjoyed something new for a change. -Mark

(Into The Unknown Original/The ending of this song always gives me the chills 🙂 )

(I just love Lizz Robinett’s Music, her voice is quite calming in this version of, Into The Unknown)


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