-Looking Back At Watching Toradora- – ( Off Topic, Anime) – -Mark’s Blog-

Why just why, every time I watch the most emotional scenes I get extremely sad, WHY! ( Spoilers If you haven’t Seen Toradora), as I reflect back into reading my own blog posts, I watched all of the youtube videos I posted, and yes I see allot of emotional scenes, Ryuuji meets Taiga, the Christmas scene ( Taiga performing, and then crying about Ryuuji ( Its so sad 😦 ) ), Taiga saving Ryuuji and then screaming “Nobody touch him! He’s mine!” ( I cri erry time again), Taiga being unconscious, thinking that, Kitamura was saving her, but it really was Ryuuji, then she confesses that she “Loves Ryuuji” ( Many manly tears where in this scene, because I bet we all thought she loved Kitamura, Dang!), and then the Kissing scene of Ryuuji and Taiga… ( Yeah, surely make me depressed 24/7 fo eva.)  ( Yes, the grammar in this blog post is so good :D, HA HA, just playing with you guys, my Grammar is bad “In this blog Post”). That was all I had to say guys, I was watching quite depressing shows again, yep… ( Makes wonder why I punish my self to watch them again, but they’re just to good XD ) !

See you guys next time, and Peace.

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